Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Exhibit - "Good Times" - Opening

Join us this Wednesday night, July 25th at 8pm as we celebrate the opening of a new photography exhibit and the start of an exciting partnership with VII Photo Agency! Over the next year, award winning photographer and VII member Ashley Gilbertson will curate a series of shows to be hosted at Third Rail Coffee. The first of the series is "Good Times" and includes seven prints curated from the VII Archive.

These celebratory photos were taken by members of VII, a photo agency based in New York and Paris. VII was founded in 2001 by photographers who focused primarily on conflict. In the ten years since, the agency catalogue has evolved to contain the full spectrum of humanity: even the good times. For more information about VII photographers and photos, please visit, www.viiphoto.com

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Coffee with Joe Biden

We don't normally dish on the celebs that frequent the Rail, but you can't argue with the photographic evidence presented by our friends at Sprudge.com here...

CLICK HERE for the full article.